Best Jokes

1 votes

During a sixth grade sex education class, the young professor asked, "What happens to a young woman during puberty?"

There was no reply from her students, so she rephrased the question. "What happens to young women as they mature?"

One girl raised her hand and answered, “We start carrying purses?”

1 votes

posted by "ERS" |
1 votes

If a mime dies, would there be words spoken at his or her funeral?

1 votes

posted by "Dan the Man 009" |
1 votes

A sergeant gives a private a hard time. He says, "Private, I bet you are just waiting for me to die so you can come and urinate on my grave!"

The private replied, "No sir, when I get out of the army I am not going to stand in more long, long lines!"

1 votes

CATEGORY Military Jokes
posted by "dav05dav" |
1 votes

Me: What happened to you? You don't look so good.

Friend: I got stung by a brose.

Me: There's no b in rose.

Friend: There was in this one!

1 votes

CATEGORY Animal Jokes
posted by "Dan the Man 009" |