Latest Jokes

1 votes

A man was complaining to his friend: “I’m sick of the police telling me how to drive when they themselves are worse drivers.”

“How do you mean?” asked the friend.

“Well, just look at how many signs you see by the side of the road saying, ‘Police Accident’.”

1 votes

CATEGORY Police Jokes
posted by "Dan the Man 009" |
1 votes

The orthopedic surgeon I work for was moving to a new office and the staff was helping transport many of the items. I sat the skeleton in my passenger seat and belted it in so it wouldn't fall over... not even thinking about the drive across town.

At a stoplight, I could not help but notice a ton of people staring at my car. I rolled down the window and shouted, "I am taking him to the Doctor's office!"

A man standing on the corner shouted, "I hate to tell you Ma'am, but I think it's too late!"

1 votes

CATEGORY Doctor Jokes
posted by "Dansei59" |
$10.00 won 7 votes

1st Person: "Do you know anything about this fax-machine?" 

2nd Person: "A little. Whats wrong?" 

1st Person: "Well, I sent a fax, and the recipient called back to say all she received was a cover-sheet and a blank page. I tried it again, and the same thing happened." 

2nd Person: "How did you load the sheet?"

1st Person: "Its a pretty sensitive memo, and I didn't want anyone else to read it by accident, so I folded it so only the recipient could open it and read it."

7 votes

CATEGORY Business Jokes
posted by "Benjones" |
1 votes

I came to the realization that my 5 year old was watching too much reality TV when we attended a wedding.

As the four bridesmaids walked down the aisle to the altar, he asked, "Is this where the groom picks the one he wants to marry?"

1 votes

posted by "Dansei59" |