Past Winners

2/24/2022 To 3/3/2022
$9.00 won 1 votes

Kathryn's 5-year-old developed a strong interest in spelling once she learned to spell STOP. After that, she tried to figure out her own words. From the back seat of the car she'd ask, "Mom, what does FGRPL spell?"

"Nothing," Kathryn said.

Sitting at breakfast she'd suddenly ask, "Mom, what does DOEB spell?"

"Nothing," Kathryn answered.

This went on for several weeks. Then one afternoon as they sat coloring in her room she asked, "Mom, what does LMDZ spell?"

Kathryn smiled at her and said, "Nothing, sweetheart."

The 5-year-old carefully set down her crayon, sighed and said, "Boy, there sure are a lot of ways to spell 'nothing'!"

1 votes

posted by "wadejagz" |
2/24/2022 To 3/3/2022
$8.00 won 1 votes

We'll We'll We'll...

If it isn't autocorrect.

1 votes

posted by "aod318" |
2/24/2022 To 3/3/2022
$7.00 won 1 votes

When I was younger, my dad found out I had an imaginary girlfriend.

He said, "You know, you could do better."

"Thanks dad, that means a lot," I replied.

He said, "I was talking to your girlfriend."

1 votes

CATEGORY Family Jokes
posted by "S.Sovetts" |
2/24/2022 To 3/3/2022
$6.00 won 2 votes

Little Johnny’s teacher asked the students what they want to be in the future. Laurie says she wants to be a doctor.

Karen says she wanted to be a police officer and Susie says she wanted to be a rich and famous actress and model.

When the teacher asked Johnny what he wanted to do, he said, “I want to marry Susie.”

2 votes

posted by "Raj Padmanathan " |