Past Winners

6/4/2021 To 6/11/2021
$15.00 won 3 votes

Our computers went down at work today, so we had to do everything manually...

It took me twenty minutes to shuffle the cards for solitaire.

3 votes

posted by "Harry Finkelstein" |
6/4/2021 To 6/11/2021
$12.00 won 3 votes

I took my bicycle to the liquor store the other day. I got a bottle of vodka and put it in the bike's basket.

As I was about to leave, I thought to myself that if I fell the bottle would break. So, I drank all the vodka and then headed home.

It turned out to be a really good decision, because I fell nine times on my way home.

3 votes

posted by "S.Sovetts" |
6/4/2021 To 6/11/2021
$10.00 won 3 votes

Judge: What is the prisoner charged with?

Lawyer: He is a camera enthusiast.

Judge: But you can’t put a person in jail because he is crazy about taking pictures.

Lawyer: He doesn’t take pictures, your Honor, just cameras.

3 votes

CATEGORY Lawyer Jokes
posted by "Dan the Man 009" |
6/4/2021 To 6/11/2021
$9.00 won 3 votes

"Latte" is French...

French for “you paid way too much money for coffee!”

3 votes

posted by "wadejagz" |