Past Winners

12/24/2020 To 12/31/2020
$9.00 won 5 votes

A man goes in for an interview for a job as a TV news broadcaster. The interview went quite well but the trouble was he kept winking and stammering.

The interviewer said, "Although you have a lot of the qualities we're looking for, the fact that you keep winking and stammering disqualifies you."

"Oh, that's no problem," said the man. "If I take a couple of aspirin I stop winking and stammering for an hour."

"Show me," said the interviewer.

So the man reached into his pocket. Embarrassingly he pulled out a variety of condoms before he found the packet of aspirin. He took the aspirin and soon talked perfectly and stopped winking.

The interviewer said, "That's amazing, but I don't think we could employ someone who'd be womanizing all over the country."

"Excuse me!" exclaimed the man. "I'm a happily married man, not a womanizer!"

"Well how do you explain all the condoms, then?" asked the interviewer.

The man replied, "Have you ever gone into a pharmacy, stammering and winking, and asked for a packet of aspirin?"

5 votes

posted by "ELECTION " |
12/24/2020 To 12/31/2020
$8.00 won 5 votes

My son asked me, “Dad, what are condoms used for?”

I said, “Usually to avoid answering questions like this one.”

5 votes

CATEGORY Family Jokes
posted by "Ryan Faidley" |
12/24/2020 To 12/31/2020
$7.00 won 4 votes

Our neighbors gave us a pumpkin pie as a holiday gift. As lovely as the gesture was, it was clear from the first bite that the pie tasted bad. It was so inedible that we had to throw it away.

Ever gracious and tactful, my wife sent the neighbors a note. It read: "Thank you very much for the pumpkin pie. Something like that doesn't last very long in our house."

4 votes

posted by "HENNE" |
12/24/2020 To 12/31/2020
$6.00 won 4 votes

Dispatching her ten-year-old son to pick up a pizza, my sister handed him money and a two-dollar coupon.

Later he came home with the pizza and the coupon.

When asked to explain, he replied, "Mom, I had enough money. I didn't need the coupon."

4 votes

posted by "wadejagz" |