Past Winners

11/7/2019 To 11/14/2019
$6.00 won 10 votes

A careful shopper in the fish market asked as to the freshness of the fish she was considering.

"Fresh? Why this fish took its last breath just as you entered the market," replied the manager.

The shopper, who had done business here before indicated, "And what a breath it has."

10 votes

posted by "Benjones" |
11/7/2019 To 11/14/2019
$5.00 won 8 votes

Doctor: "Do you want to hear the good news or the bad news first?"

Patient: “Good new please!”

Doctor: “Well, we’re naming a disease after you...”

8 votes

CATEGORY Doctor Jokes
posted by "Danny Jackson" |
11/1/2019 To 11/7/2019
$50.00 won 3 votes

Two fellows stopped into an English pub for a drink. They called the proprietor over and asked him to settle an argument.

"Are there two pints in a quart or four?" asked one.

"There be two pints in a quart," confirmed the proprietor.

They moved back along the bar and soon the barmaid asked for their order.

"Two pints please, miss, and the bartender offered to buy them for us."

The barmaid doubted that her boss would be so generous, so one of the fellows called out to the proprietor at the other end of the bar, "You did say two pints, didn't you?"

"That's right," he called back, "two pints!"

3 votes

posted by "HENNE" |
11/1/2019 To 11/7/2019
$25.00 won 5 votes

Why was the = sign so humble?

He knew that he wasn’t < or > than anyone else.

5 votes

posted by "Dan the Man 009" |