Past Winners

3/23/2018 To 3/30/2018
$8.00 won 2 votes

Why did the farmer plough his field with a steam roller?

Because he wanted to grow mashed potatoes.

2 votes

CATEGORY Farmer Jokes
posted by "Heaven" |
3/23/2018 To 3/30/2018
$7.00 won 2 votes

A Police Officer was questioning a young man who's smart car got stuck between the concrete walls of a pedestrian stairway.

When the police officer had asked him what he was thinking at that moment, his response was, "I was instructed by my Uber App to take a sharp left."

2 votes

posted by "Michael Stephen Douglas" |
3/23/2018 To 3/30/2018
$6.00 won 4 votes

The former President is disembarking his private plane, carrying his tiny dog.

One of his Secret Service men says, "Nice dog, sir."

The President says, "Thanks, I got it for the former First Lady."

The Secret Service man replies, "Nice trade, sir."

4 votes

posted by "Joe Cirillo" |
3/23/2018 To 3/30/2018
$5.00 won 2 votes

Turn your next trip to the grocery store into a ninja challenge...

You do that by shopping strictly out of other people's carts when they're not looking.

2 votes

posted by "HENNE" |