Past Winners

3/16/2018 To 3/23/2018
$50.00 won 9 votes

Mother: "Son, finish your breakfast. It's not good to leave things undone or unfinished."

Son: "Then I will go back to sleep."

Mother: "Why?"

Son: "Because I want to finish my sleep."

9 votes

CATEGORY Family Jokes
posted by "Clown" |
3/16/2018 To 3/23/2018
$25.00 won 1 votes

Teacher: "When I was of your age, I learned very quickly and was not as slow as you are."

Student: "Wow, you must have had a good teacher then, didn't you?"

1 votes

CATEGORY Teacher Jokes
posted by "RS" |
3/16/2018 To 3/23/2018
$15.00 won 9 votes

Teacher: "You are the only one in the entire class who makes so many mistakes in the homework assignment."

Student: "That is not true, I am not the only one. My parents are involved in this as well!"

9 votes

CATEGORY School Jokes
posted by "Kyoto" |
3/16/2018 To 3/23/2018
$12.00 won 6 votes

Friend 1: "Hey, how did you hurt your head?"

Friend 2: "Have you seen that electric pole which is exactly next to the school gate?"

Friend 1: "Yes."

Friend 2: "Yeah well, I didn't see it."

6 votes

posted by "Bhanu Sandesh" |