Past Winners

12/14/2017 To 12/21/2017
$8.00 won 5 votes

Mom: How make chicken

Daughter: What?

Mom: Where buy chicken

Daughter: Mom, this isn’t Google.

Mom: Avocado

5 votes

posted by "sravanthi" |
12/14/2017 To 12/21/2017
$7.00 won 3 votes

"What is the difference between a teacher and a train?" asked the principal.

One student raises her hand and replies, "One say, 'Spit out your gum,' and the other says, 'Choo choo choo!'"

3 votes

posted by "HENNE" |
12/14/2017 To 12/21/2017
$6.00 won 4 votes

A truck loaded with a thousands of copies of Roget's Thesaurus crashed on the Interstate yesterday, shedding it's load across the highway.

You should've seen it, witnesses were stunned, startled, aghast, taken aback, stupefied, confused, shocked, rattled, paralyzed, dazed, bewildered, mixed up, surprised, awed, dumbfounded, nonplussed, flabbergasted, astounded, amazed, confounded, astonished, overwhelmed, horrified, numbed, speechless, and perplexed!

4 votes

posted by "danmug" |
12/14/2017 To 12/21/2017
$5.00 won 3 votes

It had been snowing for hours when an announcement came over the University's intercom: "Will the students who are parked on University Drive please move their cars so that we may begin plowing."

Twenty minutes later there was another announcement: "Will the twelve hundred students who went to move 26 cars please return to class."

3 votes

CATEGORY College Jokes
posted by "wadejagz" |