Past Winners

12/7/2017 To 12/14/2017
$50.00 won 11 votes

A heart surgeon came to a mechanic to repair his car. The mechanic had a look at the car's engine, opened a valve and fixed it.

The mechanic said, "I repaired the engine which is the heart of the car. You also operate on the hearts of humans, so our jobs are quite similar. So why it you earn more than me?"

The doctor replied, "Can you repair the car when the ignition is on? We can!"

11 votes

CATEGORY Doctor Jokes
posted by "RS" |
12/7/2017 To 12/14/2017
$25.00 won 11 votes

Professor: "Why do pimples make horrible prisoners?"

Student: "Because they keep breaking out!"

11 votes

CATEGORY College Jokes
posted by "Clown" |
12/7/2017 To 12/14/2017
$15.00 won 6 votes

Son: "Mom, do fairies fly?"

Mom: "Yes honey, they do. Why do you ask?"

Kid: "This morning dad told the maid that she looks like Tinkerbell, the fairy. Does that mean she will fly too?"

Mom: "Oh yes, she will fly right out of this house!"

6 votes

posted by "Kyoto" |
12/7/2017 To 12/14/2017
$12.00 won 5 votes

"Stop making a big deal out of it, it's not a big deal."

"Sometimes the smallest things hurt the most."

"How so?"

"Well, you can sit comfortably on a mountain, but you can't on a needle!"

5 votes

posted by "Bhanu Sandesh" |