Past Winners

2/16/2017 To 2/23/2017
$50.00 won 5 votes

My grandmother told me how she ended up marrying Grandpa. She was in her 20's, and the man she was dating left for war. "We were in love," she recalled, "and wrote to each other every week. It was during that time that I discovered how wonderful your grandfather was."

"Did you marry Grandpa when he came home from the war?" I asked.

"Oh, I didn’t marry the man who wrote the letters. Your grandfather was the mailman."

5 votes

CATEGORY Marriage Jokes
posted by "sravanthi" |
2/16/2017 To 2/23/2017
$25.00 won 4 votes

An old farmer is inconsolable after his dog goes missing. He takes out an ad in the newspaper, but two weeks later, there’s still no sign of the mutt.

“What did you write in the ad?” his wife asks.

"Here, boy,” he replies.

4 votes

CATEGORY Animal Jokes
posted by "stee" |
2/16/2017 To 2/23/2017
$15.00 won 3 votes

I was in small-claims court when I listened in on the case of a woman who held a good job but still had trouble paying her bills on time.

“Can’t you live within your income?” asked the judge.

“No, Your Honor,” she said. “It’s all I can do to live within my credit!”

3 votes

CATEGORY Money Jokes
posted by "Mary" |
2/16/2017 To 2/23/2017
$12.00 won 4 votes

Driving back from Vermont, I stopped at a vegetable stand. It was deserted except for a sleeping German shepherd.

I stepped over the dog, helped myself to some corn, then opened the cash box to pay.

Taped to the inside of the lid was this note: "The dog can count."

4 votes

CATEGORY Money Jokes
posted by "srg" |