Best Jokes

2 votes

Mr. Magic: I can turn this handkerchief into a flower.

Little Johnny: That’s nothing. I can walk down the street and turn into an alley.

2 votes

posted by "Dan the Man 009" |
2 votes

The children were all lined up for their first confession when Little Johnny’s turn came. The priest asked him to confess his sins, and the boy promptly replied, “Father, I threw a stone at Jimmy.”

“That was a very misguided thing to do, my son,” said the priest patiently.

“It wasn’t misguided at all,” said Little Johnny. “I hit him.”

2 votes

posted by "HENNE" |
2 votes

A century ago, two brothers insisted that it was possible to fly ...

... and as you can see, they were Wright.

2 votes

CATEGORY Airplane Jokes
posted by "ELECTION " |
$15.00 won 2 votes

An American scientist once visited the offices of the great Nobel Prize-winning physicist, Neils Bohr, in Copenhagen, and was amazed to find that over his desk a horseshoe was nailed to the wall.

The American said with a nervous laugh, "Surely you don't believe that horseshoe will bring you good luck, do you, Professor Bohr?"

Bohr chuckled, "I believe no such thing, my good friend. Not at all. I am scarcely likely to believe in such foolish nonsense. However, I am told that a horseshoe will bring you good luck whether you believe in it or not!"

2 votes

posted by "HENNE" |