Best Jokes

$8.00 won 2 votes

A man was very sick. Doctors feared the worst. He is at home one day, resting in his bed. He looks up and says, "Is my wife here?"

His wife replies, "Yes, dear, I'm here, next to you."

The man goes, "Are my children here?"

"Yes, Daddy, we are all here," say the children.

"Are my other relatives also here?"

And they say, "Yes, we are all here..."

The man sits up and says, "Then why in the world is the light on in the kitchen?"

2 votes

CATEGORY Money Jokes
posted by "Leibel" |
2 votes

After our son graduated from high school, he went to a school to learn how to be a mime.

We haven't heard from him since...

2 votes

posted by "TenDawgs" |
$12.00 won 2 votes

I asked my father-in-law, a crop duster, how his day had gone.

"I had just the worst day," he replied. "This morning I was up in my plane dusting a field when I nicked a power line and damaged the wing on the plane. When I got back to the office, my boss chewed me out. Then the guy from the FAA chewed me out. On my way home, I stopped at a bar and was handed a warm beer. So I yelled at the bartender, 'Don't you have any cold beer?!' The bartender said, 'Sorry, but we've been out of electricity all day ever since some idiot crop-duster hit a power line down the road.'"

2 votes

CATEGORY Business Jokes
posted by "HENNE" |
$7.00 won 2 votes

Doctor: "I see you're over a month late for your appointment. Don't you know that nervous disorders require prompt and regular attention? What's your excuse?"

Patient: "I was just following your orders, Doc."

Doctor: "Following my orders? What are you talking about? I gave you no such order."

Patient: "You told me to avoid people who irritate me."

2 votes

CATEGORY Doctor Jokes
posted by "HENNE" |