Best Jokes

$6.00 won 2 votes

I didn't mean to gain all this weight. It happened by snaccident.

2 votes

posted by "Dan the Man 009" |
2 votes

Three pastors met & agreed to sincerely tell each other their problems which must be kept a secret between the three of them.

The first pastor said; my problem is money l do steal even from the church offering. Please pray for me.

The second pastor; mine is women. Whenever l see any woman my desire will be to go to bed with her, infact l have slept with most of the church (female) members.

Turning to the third pastor to hear his problem he started crying (it took his friends some effort to calm him). When they
asked him to continue, he was still crying, he said my problem is gossiping, when we leave this place everybody will hear all what the two of you have just told me. Please pray for me!

The two pastors fainted.

2 votes

posted by "DJ SLAM" |
2 votes

In school we were taught that Hannibal crossed the Alps with elephants. However, none of the offspring survived.

2 votes

CATEGORY Animal Jokes
posted by "Nanzue" |
2 votes

At the movie theater, a young man returning to his seat taps the arm of a woman in the last seat in the row. “Excuse me,” he says, “but did I step on your toe on the way out?”

“As a matter of fact, you did,” says the woman, expecting an apology.

“Oh good,” says the man, “then this is my row.”

2 votes

posted by "Anonymous" |