Latest Jokes

$25.00 won 6 votes

I have one cup of coffee every morning to start the day off right...

The other ones are to keep me out of jail, help me form sentences, and fuel my razor sharp wit!

6 votes

posted by "Chloe2015" |
$50.00 won 11 votes

My 5 year old: "Do trees poop?"

Me: "Of course they do, that’s how we get #2 pencils."

11 votes

posted by "Chloe2015" |
2 votes

A judge in Louisville decided a jury went ''a little bit too far'' in recommending a sentence of 5,005 years for a man who was convicted of five robberies and a kidnapping.

The judge reduced the sentence to 1,001 years.

2 votes

CATEGORY Judge Jokes
posted by "Dan the Man 009" |
4 votes

"Did you tell her that what you said was in strict confidence?"

"No, I didn't want her to think it was important enough to repeat."

4 votes

posted by "shirley Mc" |