Past Winners

11/28/2019 To 12/5/2019
$8.00 won 6 votes

Officer: "Why should you be released early?"

Man: "I’m..."

Officer: "Go on..."

Man: "I think..."

Officer: "Yes?"

Man: "Can I please finish my sentence?"

Officer: "Sure, if that's what you really want. Parole denied."

6 votes

CATEGORY Police Jokes
posted by "Gegg Smith" |
11/28/2019 To 12/5/2019
$7.00 won 10 votes

At the monthly meeting of the local group of struggling artists, two of them were discussing their respective prospects.

First artist: "I'm not doing too well. I painted a picture for a local lady but she didn't like it. She said it made her look just like a monkey."

Second artist: "I hope you were diplomatic about it?"

First artist: "Yes, I told her she should have thought about that before she had her picture painted."

10 votes

posted by "maryjones" |
11/28/2019 To 12/5/2019
$6.00 won 9 votes

A man says to a friend, “My wife is on a three-week diet.”

“Oh, yeah? How much has she lost so far?” asks his pal.

He replies, “Two weeks.”

9 votes

CATEGORY Family Jokes
posted by "Bhanu Sandesh" |
11/28/2019 To 12/5/2019
$5.00 won 9 votes

Romeo: "Somebody loves me."

Juliet: "Who loves you?"

Romeo: "Do you know that beautiful girl who moved into the corner house last week? I sang a serenade under her window last night, and she threw me a beautiful red, red rose."

Juliet: "In a moment of mad love?"

Romeo: "No, in a three pound pot."

9 votes

posted by "Everleigh" |