Past Winners

7/5/2019 To 7/12/2019
$6.00 won 4 votes

The Fourth of July weekend was approaching, and Miss Pelham, the nursery school teacher, took the opportunity to tell her class about patriotism.

"We live in a great country," she announced. "One of the things we should be happy about is, in this country we are all free."

Trevor, who was a little boy in her class, came walking up to her from the back of the room. He stood with his hands on his hips and said loudly, "I'm not free. I'm four!"

4 votes

posted by "wadejagz" |
7/5/2019 To 7/12/2019
$5.00 won 3 votes

What's the difference between a vision and a sight?

When my wife gets dressed up for a party she looks like a vision and when she wakes up in the morning she's a sight!

3 votes

CATEGORY Marriage Jokes
posted by "Harry Finkelstein" |
6/28/2019 To 7/5/2019
$50.00 won 7 votes

One evening a grandmother was babysitting her two granddaughters Anne and Betty. Presently, 8:00 PM rolled around.

"Okay, time for bed," she informed the two children who were playing in the den.

"Why?" Anne asked (aged 6). "It's so early!"

"Your father said your bedtime is 8:00," the grandmother said.

"You don't have to listen to him," the Betty (aged 4½) replied.

"Why not?" the grandmother asked.

Betty answered, "Because you're his mother!"

7 votes

CATEGORY Elderly Jokes
posted by "barber7796" |
6/28/2019 To 7/5/2019
$25.00 won 2 votes

I was waiting tables at a country club when an elegantly dressed woman spilled Manhattan clam chowder all over her white linen skirt. She began furiously dabbing at it with a napkin.

Having plenty of experience with getting out food stains, I asked, "Can I bring you some club soda?"

"Young lady," she barked, "I'll be the judge of when I've had enough to drink. Bring me another martini!"

2 votes

posted by "HENNE" |