relationship jokes

Category: "Relationship Jokes"
7 votes

Sweetheart to her boyfriend: "Do you love me with all your heart and soul?"

Boyfriend: "Uh-huh!"

Sweetheart: "Do you think I am the most beautiful girl in the whole wide world?"

Boyfriend: "Uh-huh!"

Sweetheart: "Do you think my lips are like rose petals?"

Boyfriend: "Uh-huh!"

Sweetheart: "Oh you say the most beautiful things!"

7 votes

posted by "barber7796" |
$15.00 won 12 votes

Mary Jones was debating on the best means of dropping her current flame.

Her friend ask: "Are you worried because you think he'll tell lies about you?"

Mary answered: "I don't mind the lies, but if he ever tells the truth I will break his neck!"

12 votes

posted by "maryjones" |
$10.00 won 12 votes

Steve met the family doctor on the street.

"I hear your wife has gone to Palm Beach for her health," began the doctor. "What did she have?"

"Eight hundred dollars her father gave her," answered Steve.

12 votes

posted by "Benjones" |
9 votes

Zack met an old college friend who had never married and ask him about his bachelor status.

Zack: "Tom, haven't you ever met a girl you care for?"

Tom: "Oh yes, just last week I met a girl and fell in love at first sight."

Zack: "What happened? Why didn't you get married?"

Tom: "I took a second look."

9 votes

posted by "Pshark1998" |