Best Jokes

$8.00 won 2 votes

What do you call a priest who returns stuff to the store?

Holy redeemer.

2 votes

posted by "Trekie" |
2 votes

At this week's family history and tradition class, the teacher asked the young class how to describe old folks.

Olivia raised her hand and answered, "Over the Hill."

"Yes, good answer," said the teacher.

"Yes, Johnny, do you have another nickname?"

"Long in the Toot," Johnny responded.

The teacher corrected him. "You meant Long in the Tooth, didn't you?"

"Not at all, you never been behind my Grandpa, have you?"

2 votes

posted by "OscarElPaso" |
2 votes

Teacher: What are you grateful for?

Megan: I’m grateful for the big man upstairs.

Little Johnny: Not me, the big man upstairs drives me nuts! He practices river dancing every night for an hour.

2 votes

posted by "Marty" |
2 votes

Teacher: Little Johnny, did you finish your reading assignment?

Little Johnny: No, but I don't like to read.

Teacher: Have you ever heard of George Washington, Abraham Lincoln or Bubba B. Snodgrass?

Little Johnny: Who is Bubba B. Snodgrass?

Teacher: He's a guy that didn't like to read.

2 votes

posted by "Marty" |