Best Jokes

2 votes

Q: What kind of dress can't be put on?

A: An address.

2 votes

posted by "starkepatrik" |
2 votes

Five-year old Jeffery was sitting next to an elderly lady in church. When it came time to put money in the collection plate, the lady didn't have any money so she passed the plate on to the next person, who was sitting to Jeffery's right.

He watched the proceedings and finally spoke to the elderly lady, "We didn't want any did we?"

She had to contain her laughter.

2 votes

posted by "Janice Marler" |
2 votes

I was walking down an alley last night, when I heard, "Help! Help!" coming from behind a dumpster. Two thugs were trying to steal an old lady's handbag, but she was putting up a hell of a fight and wouldn't let go.

I wondered if I should get involved, or keep walking and pretend I didn't see anything. I finally decided that I should help.

It didn't take the three of us very long to get her handbag.

2 votes

posted by "Pucks mom" |
$5.00 won 2 votes

My wife and I have very different body clocks. At sundown she is practically ready for bed. I, meanwhile, am a night owl.

Recently, after a long, hard workday, I announced around 8 p.m. that I was exhausted and ready to hit the sack. Suddenly my wife nearly leapt into my arms.

"Oh, honey," she purred into my ear, "I just love it when you talk early to me."

2 votes

CATEGORY Marriage Jokes
posted by "wadejagz" |