Best Jokes

$15.00 won 2 votes

A man had just arrived home after the successful implantation of a pacemaker.

Reading through the literature, he was delighted to learn that the instrument carried a lifetime guarantee.

2 votes

posted by "wadejagz" |
2 votes

An angry wife was complaining about her husband spending so much of his free time in the local bar, so one night he took her along with him. "What'll you have?" he asked.

"Oh, I don't know. The same as you I suppose," she replied. So, the husband ordered a couple of Jack Daniel's and threw his down in one shot.

His wife watched him, then took a sip from her glass and immediately spit it out. "Yuck, that's TERRIBLE!" she spluttered. "I don't know how you can drink this stuff!"

"Well, there you go," cried the husband. "And you think I'm out enjoying myself every night!"

2 votes

posted by "merk" |
2 votes

How does a farmer find new cows to buy?

He looks through the cattlelog.

2 votes

CATEGORY Farmer Jokes
posted by "nerdasaurus" |
2 votes

Remember when we cried as kids, our parents replied with, "I'll give you something to cry about!"

We just never thought that, instead of hitting us, they'd destroy the housing market, quadruple college tuition, and melt the polar ice caps.

2 votes

CATEGORY Family Jokes
posted by "nerdasaurus" |