Best Jokes

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What do you call an owl that does magic?


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CATEGORY Animal Jokes
posted by "Lynsie Cunningham" |
0 votes

Some deer were talking with each other in the woods.

"There goes Barney the buck, out on his sales route."

"They say he's their top selling salesdeer, selling cosmetics to the ladies."

"I wonder what makes him so successful?"

"It's simple. He goes doe to doe!"

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CATEGORY Animal Jokes
posted by "Alan Valentine" |
0 votes

Kanye West recently gave his wife, Kim Kardashian, a massive second diamond engagement ring.

Kim said, “Wow, thank you so much.”

While every married guy in America said, “Yeah, thanks A LOT Kanye!”

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posted by "ERS" |
0 votes

A boy with a pea shooter, ran out of ammunition, and discovering a box of laxative pills, tried one in his blow gun. To his great joy, it fit.

There was a boarding house near by, and every Wednesday noon a big pan of custard was placed upon the window sill to cool. From his vantage point in the window of another house, the boy shot all the pills into the custard.

The boy soon found out that he was an expert marksman and the custom of custard on Wednesday quickly passed into history at the boarding house.

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posted by "HENNE" |