Best Jokes

4 votes

An old man is sitting at his table in the hotel dining room with a bowl of soup in front of him. He calls the waiter over and asks him to taste the soup.

"Is the soup too cold?" asks the waiter.

"Taste the soup," says the old man.

"Is it too salty?" asks the waiter.

"Taste the soup!" says the old man.

"Is there a fly in it?" asks the waiter.

"JUST TASTE THE SOUP WILL YA!" the old man insists.

The waiter looks down: "OK then...Where is the spoon?"

The old man exclaims, "Aha!"

4 votes

posted by "HENNE" |
$8.00 won 4 votes

"Doctor, I think I'm a moth."

"It's not a doctor you need, it's a psychiatrist."

"I was on my way there when I saw your light on."

4 votes

CATEGORY Doctor Jokes
posted by "Richard Felt" |
4 votes

Before rushing to work, I prepared a casserole for that evening's dinner and put it in the fridge. As I turned to leave, I told my son to stick it in the oven when he got home from school. "Make sure to put it in at 350," I said.

"Sorry, can't," he replied. "I don't get home until quarter after four."

4 votes

CATEGORY Family Jokes
posted by "Merkv814" |
$8.00 won 4 votes

A young woman is visiting her parents. While helping her mother fix dinner, she opens the refrigerator. On the inside of the door, she sees a spicy picture of a lovely, slender, perfectly built young woman.

"What's this about, Mom?" she asks.

"Oh, I put that up there to remind me not to overeat," the mother answers.

"Is it working?" her daughter asks.

"Yes and no," her mom replies. "I've lost 15 pounds, but your dad has gained 20."

4 votes

CATEGORY Marriage Jokes
posted by "wadejagz" |