Latest Jokes

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At a boat rental concession, the manager went to the lake's edge and yelled through his megaphone, "Number 99, come in, please. Your time is up." Several minutes passed, but the boat didn't return. "Boat number 99," he again hollered, "return to the dock immediately or I'll have to charge you overtime."

"Something is wrong here, boss," his assistant said. "We only have 75 boats. There is no number 99."

The manager thought for a moment and then raised his mega-phone.

"Boat number 66!" he yelled. "Are you having trouble out there?"

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posted by "wadejagz" |
0 votes

It is better to be healthy than wise...

Being sick costs you money, but you can be dumb for free.

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posted by "Harry Finkelstein" |
0 votes

Some members of a health club were having their first meeting. The director of the group said, "Now, I’d like each of you to give the facts of your daily routine."

Several people spoke, admitting their excesses, and then one overweight member said, "I eat moderately, I drink moderately, and I exercise frequently."

"Do you have anything else to add?" asked the manager.

"Well, yes," said the member. "I also lie extensively."

0 votes

posted by "Harry Finkelstein" |
4 votes

About to have a blood test, I nervously waited while the nurse tightened a tourniquet around my arm. "I understand you’re from Oklahoma," she said. "Are you a Sooners fan?"

"Absolutely!" I replied.

"Well," she continued as she raised the needle, "this may hurt a little, as I’m from Nebraska."

4 votes

CATEGORY Sport Jokes
posted by "sravanthi" |