Latest Jokes

0 votes

Ever wonder why the IRS calls it Form 1040?

Because for every $50 that you earn, you get 10 and they get 40.

0 votes

posted by "Harry Finkelstein" |
0 votes

Two soldiers were watching the night sky in Afghanistan when a shooting star came into view. One soldier said, "Look, it's an omen. Something bad is about to happen."

The other one looked and said, "I'm not superstitious. That is not an omen."

In the next instant the shooting star, about the size of a car, crashed to earth landing on top of the soldier. In great pain he slowly crawled out from under the meteorite and said, "Okay, wow... now that's an omen!"

0 votes

CATEGORY Military Jokes
posted by "Douglas" |
1 votes

John left his twin twelve year old boys in the car while he went into a store. While there he spotted a vender selling ice cream cones. He bought one chocolate and one vanilla for the boys.

When he got back to the car he asked them which one they wanted. The boys looked at the ice cream cones for a few seconds trying to decide.

A sly grin came across one boys face. He pointed to his brother and said, "I want his!"

1 votes

CATEGORY Family Jokes
posted by "Douglas" |
$25.00 won 2 votes

Doctor: "I accidentally left my gloves inside your stomach during your operation. We have to operate on you again."

Patient: "Are you kidding me?!?! Tell you what Doc, take this $10 bill and buy a new pair!"

2 votes

CATEGORY Doctor Jokes
posted by "RS" |