Latest Jokes

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Where can you find a bunch of religious leaders going to exercise?

At "CrossFit"!

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posted by "Rosalita" |
0 votes

"Eagle? I thought you said BEAGLE."

"We're all out of red, so I used pink."

"There are two O's in Bob, right?"

"I hate it when I get the hiccups."

"Anything else you want to say? You've got plenty of room back here."

"I'll bet you can't tell I've never done this before."

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posted by "wadejagz" |
1 votes

Marriage is not a word, it is a sentence... a LIFE sentence!

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CATEGORY Marriage Jokes
posted by "Harry Finkelstein" |
1 votes

*In class*

Teacher: "Jay,why are you down today?"

Jay: "Because my mom is at the hospital and my dad is at the police station."

Teacher: "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that, dear. Do you want to go home?"

Jay: "Yes, please."

After Jay has left the classroom, the teacher asks the other classmates, "Why is Jay's father at the police station and the mother at the hospital?"

Classmate: "Because his father is a policeman and his mom's a nurse."

1 votes

CATEGORY School Jokes
posted by "Benjamin" |