misc jokes

Category: "Misc Jokes"
1 votes

Three Chinese named Chu, Bu, and Fu went to America. Upon reaching there they decided to Americanize their names.

So Chu became Chuck, Bu became Buck… and Fu decided to return to China.

1 votes

posted by "Gaggs" |
0 votes

A man has written a book about how to understand women. The pages are blank.

0 votes

posted by "Dan the Man 009" |
0 votes

I went to the local bookstore and asked where the self-help section was. The worker said that if he told me, it would defeat the purpose.

0 votes

posted by "Dan the Man 009" |
2 votes

After a vigorous workout at a local health club, Joe was finishing up his post workout shower and shave. As he was he finishing up his shave, Joe answered the cell phone after 5 rings.

He said into the phone, "I would go with the Lexus SUV rather than the KIA sedan... I think you should also go with the leather instead of the cloth interior... You asked about the 14 inch wheels vs. the 16 inch, I would go with the 16 inch... And power seats and all other power features and options... As to the color, you should pick what you like."

He then hung up the cell phone. After another minute he picked up the cell phone again and said in a loud voice so even the guys still in the shower could hear him, "HEY, DOES ANYBODY KNOW WHOSE CELL PHONE THIS IS?"

2 votes

posted by "jim larkin" |