Best Jokes

1 votes

Question: What's the name of the Greek god of humor?

Answer: Hilarios.

1 votes

posted by "Peter P." |
1 votes

A man was boasting to his kids that when he was young, the young ladies would be chasing after him.

The kids (naturally) went to the man’s mother and asked if it were true. The grandma says, “Well, kids, it’s mostly true but I wouldn’t quite put it like that.”

“How would you put it, grandma?” asked the kids.

“I’d say the young ladies were chasing him AWAY!”

1 votes

CATEGORY Family Jokes
posted by "Raj Padmanathan " |
1 votes

Billy: That's not true, who told you that Bobby?

Bobby: A little bird told me.

Billy: Who was it, was it Daffy Duck?

1 votes

posted by "Marty" |
$9.00 won 1 votes

I used to be an owner,

Now I'm a renter.

I used to go to the bars,

Now I go to the senior center!

1 votes

CATEGORY Elderly Jokes
posted by "zacklyw" |