Best Jokes

$15.00 won 6 votes

Little Mary's father was typing away at his home computer, when she sneaked up behind him. Suddenly, she turned and ran into the kitchen, squealing to the rest of the family, "I know Daddy's password! I know Daddy's password!"

"What is it?" her sister asked eagerly.

Proudly Little Mary replied, "Asterisk, asterisk, asterisk, asterisk, asterisk!"

6 votes

CATEGORY Computer Jokes
posted by "barber7796" |
$15.00 won 6 votes

Things that always tell the truth:

Small Children...


Yoga Pants!

6 votes

posted by "Eufaulasrguy" |
$12.00 won 6 votes

My house is not messy...

I have just set up obstacles for any burglar that might want to test their luck.

6 votes

posted by "Eufaulasrguy" |
$7.00 won 6 votes

I have decided to RETIRE and live off my savings...

Though I'm not sure what I will use the second week...

6 votes

CATEGORY Money Jokes
posted by "Eufaulasrguy" |