Latest Jokes

1 votes

A man and his wife are relaxing at home when the phone rings. She answers and within a minute is sobbing. After she hangs up, her hubby gently holds her and asks what's wrong.

She replies that her mother has died. He finally gets her calmed down and the phone rings again. She answers and starts crying again.

She turns to her hubby and manages to choke out, "Honey, it's my sister and you won't believe this, but her mother died too!"

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CATEGORY Family Jokes
posted by "wadejagz" |
1 votes

One of my daughter's wedding presents was a toaster oven. Soon after the honeymoon, she and her husband tried it out. Almost immediately, smoke billowed out of the toaster.

"Get the owner's manual!" my daughter's husband shouted.

"I can't find it anywhere!" cried my daughter a short time later.

"Oops!" came a voice from the kitchen. "Well, the toast is fine, but the owner's manual's burned to a crisp."

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CATEGORY Marriage Jokes
posted by "HENNE" |
1 votes

I asked my friend Jim about our mutual friend Inge. She seemed down and depressed.

Jim answered, "She used to be the 'Bell of the Ball'. But nobody ever tolled her!"

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posted by "Jim Shaw" |
1 votes

Behind every successful man there is a strong, supportive woman... and a very surprised mother-in-law!

1 votes

CATEGORY Marriage Jokes
posted by "Bumpa Hennigar" |