misc jokes

Category: "Misc Jokes"
$7.00 won 2 votes

There are only two instances when people hate the alarm clock:

1) When it rings.

2) When it doesn’t ring.

2 votes

posted by "S.Sovetts" |
2 votes

There's a new emotional support group. We already had Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, Gamblers Anonymous. Now we have Ramblers Anonymous.

It’s a group for people who are addicted to babbling on endlessly... but are not self-aware enough to realize they’re doing it... they like to talk, but can’t seem to get to the point…or any point... it's expected that each meeting will run several hours... and then some...

2 votes

posted by "Gary Greenfield" |
$10.00 won 3 votes

I went to dinner with my husband, a male friend of ours, Jim, and his new girlfriend, Dorothy.

While eating dinner we got on the subject of vacations. Dorothy said that she wanted to go to Gotham City for her next vacation.

I tried to explain to her that it wasn't a real place. She laughed and said, "It is, too. It's where Batman lives."

I laughed and looked over at Jim who smiled and told me she was serious. I then tried to explain. "Batman does not exist. Why do you think there have been four of them: Bale, Clooney, Kilmer and Keaton?"

She looked me straight in the eye and said, "That's because he doesn't want anyone to know who he really is."

3 votes

posted by "merk" |
$15.00 won 4 votes

While carpenters were working outside the old house I had just bought, I busied myself with indoor cleaning. I had just finished washing the floor when one of the workmen asked to use the bathroom.

With dismay I looked from his muddy boots to my newly scrubbed floors. "Just a minute," I said, thinking of a quick solution. "I'll put down newspapers."

"That's all right, lady," he responded. "I'm already trained."

4 votes

posted by "merk" |