Best Jokes

2 votes

Two cowboy friends, Wally and Dallas, each bought a horse one summer. They enjoyed riding and doing the things that cowboys do. When winter came, they did not want to pay to have their horses stabled. Instead, they decided to release them in a pasture and get them in the spring.

Wally noticed a problem, and asked Dallas, "How will we know which horse is which?"

Dallas answered, "I've been thinking, and I have the answer! We'll cut the mane off of my horse and cut the tail off of yours. That way, we'll know which horse belongs who."

That seemed like a great plan, and so the horses were released into the pasture. When spring came, Wally and Dallas came to get their horses, only to discover that the mane and tail had grown back during the winter.

"Dallas, since the mane and tail have grown back, how do we know which is yours and which is mine?" Wally asked.

Dallas responded, "Well, I guess you'll have to take the black one and I'll take the white one."

2 votes

CATEGORY Animal Jokes
posted by "HENNE" |
$7.00 won 2 votes

My little sister broke my lamp...

I won't be able to see her in the same light ever again.

2 votes

CATEGORY Family Jokes
posted by "danmug" |
2 votes

A husband-and-wife photography team we know shoot their pictures together, do their developing and printing together—in fact, they’re together 24 hours of the day. We wondered how they managed to keep up such good working relations.

"Well, frankly," the wife said, "it wouldn’t work out if one of us didn’t have a good disposition."

"Which one?" we asked.

"Oh," she laughed, "we take turns."

2 votes

CATEGORY Marriage Jokes
posted by "stee" |
2 votes

A businessman had a tiring day on the road. He checked into a hotel and, because he was concerned that the dining room might close soon, left his luggage at the front desk and went immediately to eat.

After a leisurely dinner, he reclaimed his luggage and realized that he had forgotten his room number. He went back to the desk and told the clerk on duty, "My name is Henry Davis, can you please tell me what room I am in?"

"Certainly," said the clerk. "You're in the lobby."

2 votes

CATEGORY Business Jokes
posted by "outward" |