Best Jokes

$7.00 won 2 votes

Waiter: I just wanted to let you know kids eat free.

Dad: Good, I'll have water and my daughter will have the steak and a kid's light beer.

2 votes

CATEGORY Family Jokes
posted by "S.Sovetts" |
2 votes

A tourist was driving on a back road in Arkansas during a heavy rainstorm. He passed a cabin with a man sitting on the porch playing his fiddle.

"Why don't you go inside on this rainy day?" the tourist asked.

"Because the roof leaks," answered the fiddler.

"Well, then, why don't you fix the roof?"

"Can't fix a roof when it's raining," the fiddler answered.

"So, why don't you fix the roof on a sunny day?"

"'Cause the roof don't leak on sunny days!" replied the fiddler.

2 votes

posted by "Arthur Art Will Williams" |
2 votes

Starving after hours of driving nonstop, my husband and I pulled over at a truck stop. While he gassed up the car, I went into the restaurant and placed our order to go.

After writing it all down, the girl behind the register asked, “Will that be all for you?”

“No,” I replied a bit defensively. “Some of it’s for my husband.”

2 votes

posted by "Bhanu Sandesh" |
2 votes

Out bicycling one day with my eight-year-old granddaughter, Carolyn, I got a little wistful.

"In ten years," I began, "you'll want to be with your friends and you won't go walking, biking, and swimming with me like you do now."

Carolyn shrugged, "That's okay, because in ten years you'll be too old to do all those things anyway."

2 votes

CATEGORY Elderly Jokes
posted by "Harry Finkelstein" |