Best Jokes

$7.00 won 6 votes

Doctor: Your Liver is enlarged.

Patient: Does that mean it has space for more whisky?

6 votes

CATEGORY Doctor Jokes
posted by "mickey" |
6 votes

A friend of mine was telling me that his girlfriend asked him if he would like to spend the weekend watching football games, eating chicken wings, and drinking beer.

This excited my friend because he thought he had found the perfect mate, so he responded with a "YES!" with great enthusiasm.

The girlfriend responded, "Perfect, because I am breaking up with you."

6 votes

posted by "Egbert" |
$12.00 won 6 votes

What's the difference between an American student and an English student?

"About 3,000 miles!"

6 votes

posted by "Kyoto" |
$25.00 won 6 votes

My doctor has advised me to stop drinking.

It's going to be a massive change for me.

I've been with that doctor for 15 years.

6 votes

CATEGORY Doctor Jokes
posted by "Danny Jackson" |