Best Jokes

2 votes

My wife had never been to a baseball game, so I took her to see the Cincinnati Reds one night.

Our seats were right behind the third-base line. At the top of the first inning, the batter hit a foul ball.

Miraculously, I managed to catch it on the fly.

As I sat down, breathless with excitement, my wife turns to me and says, "That was nice! How many of those do you get a game?"

2 votes

CATEGORY Sport Jokes
posted by "merk" |
$10.00 won 2 votes

I may not be my mom's favorite child...

But I know I am the first one that comes to mind when the police show up.

2 votes

CATEGORY Family Jokes
posted by "MadMark" |
2 votes

What happens if you turn back time?

You emit.

2 votes

posted by "nerdasaurus" |
$9.00 won 2 votes

A lady staying in a hotel kept a pet parrot who she would often let out of the cage to fly around the room. One day, the lady was about to leave to do some errands, but had forgotten to check whether she had closed the parrot's cage door or not; because she was in a hurry and didn't have time to go back, she quickly wrote up a note, reading, "Please enter with care, Pet flies!" and taped it to the door.

By the end of the day, the cleaning lady went to meet with the hotel manager. "Have you cleaned all of the rooms?" he asked.

"Yes," she replied. "All except for the room of that one tenant with the pet flies."

2 votes

CATEGORY Animal Jokes
posted by "Kathy Harrington" |