Best Jokes

2 votes

A man walked into the community store at a remote village. "Pardon me," he said. "But I'm a bit new to this town. Where is the movie theater?"

"We don't have one." the clerk replied.

"Hmm, okay, what about a golf course?"

"We don't have one."

"Well, where's your local football stadium? Surely you must play football."


"Well, then what do you do for fun around here? Where do you people go fishing and boating?"

"The same place where we play football, watch movies and golf."

2 votes

posted by "Kathy Harrington" |
2 votes

How come fish are so skinny?

Cause they only eat fish

2 votes

CATEGORY Animal Jokes
posted by "nerdasaurus" |
2 votes

Knowing that most items seem not to be manufactured in the USA, I noticed my new smart TV was "BUILT IN ANTENNA".

I don't even know where Antenna is located!

2 votes

CATEGORY National Jokes
posted by "barber7796" |
$25.00 won 2 votes

Did you know that french fries weren’t first cooked in France?

They’re actually cooked in Greece.

2 votes

posted by "Danny Jackson" |