Best Jokes

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What do you call the Oracle from The Matrix movie, without her guardian?

She's Sans Serif

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CATEGORY Scifi Jokes
posted by "zieglarnatta" |
0 votes

A man left the bar late one night after one too many drinks. He decided to walk home taking a shortcut through the grave yard. He fell into an open grave but failed to escape after many attempts.

What the man didn’t see was another guy from the bar who had previously fallen in and was curled up asleep at the other end of the grave. The guy woke up and said, “You’ll never make it out of here.”

Low and behold he made it out in one leap!

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posted by "Marty" |
0 votes

How many astronauts does it take to change a light bulb?

It takes two astronauts to change a light bulb. Astronaut number one to hold the light bulb and astronaut number two to rotate astronaut number one.

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posted by "Marty" |
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10. Teach him the secret male ritual of leaving the toilet seat up and the toilet paper roll empty.

9. Have a ceremony where you give him his own remote control.

8. Lead him through an afternoon of rigorous physical training in the back yard while you sit in a lawn chair with a half-gallon of ice cream.

7. Eat until you're about to burst and then ride the Screamin' Hurler roller coaster.

6. Put cream on his face and let the cat shave him with its tongue.

5. Walk behind him through his school halls yelling, "You da man!"

4. Send him to the local discount store to buy mom's "personal things."

3. Give him Grandma's lime green Gremlin with personalized license plates that say, "TUFFGUY."

2. When the women of the house are gone, get out your secret 'Old Yeller' video and have a good cry together.

1. Shot put catching.

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CATEGORY Family Jokes
posted by "wadejagz" |